"committed to the pursuance of the highest standards of employment conditions..."
Diacore recognises the vital role that its workers play and is committed to the pursuance of the highest standards of employment conditions in accordance with the applicable legislation and the Best Practice Principles.
The company is committed to the principles of equality and non-discrimination and in its recruitment, termination, remuneration, promotion and retirement polices, at all levels of the company, will not engage in or support any unfair discrimination on the grounds of race, caste, national origin, religion, age, disability, physical appearance, gender, marital/parental status, sexual orientation, HIV status, migrant status, membership of worker representative bodies, political affiliation or any other arbitrary criteria. The Group will, however, support national legislation that encourages or imposes positive discrimination or affirmative action, and the economic advancement of various categories of Workers if such is the case.
"environmental care and protection is committed to a policy of environmental responsibility..."
The company is committed to an environment in which disciplinary practices are implemented in a fair manner and in terms of which Workers rights are respected. Workers have the right to express their grievances or concerns without suffering any prejudice or retribution and to have their concerns examined according to written and appropriate procedures.
Diacore is strongly committed to the principles of human rights and supports, promotes, respects and protects the fundamental human rights expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Impact, relevant ILO Conventions and national legislation. As such, the Group will at no time condone the use of corporal punishment or other forms of mental or physical coercion; does not support and will not use child labour, forced labour or bonded labour, including slavery.
Diacore is committed to pursuing the highest standards of health and safety, and the provision of a safe and healthy working environment in accordance with national legislation and with due consideration to international standards as set out in ILO Conventions, specifically bearing in mind knowledge of specific dangers within the Industry, and actively preventing these.
Diacore is guided by the highest standards of environmental care and protection is committed to a policy of environmental responsibility and non-waste.
we are committed to the standards of the Forevermark Programme and the Responsible Jewellery Council
Diacore is committed to using all reasonable endeavours to conduct its business operations in accordance with the highest ethical standards and Best Practice Principles of the Industry, as spear-headed by the Diamond Trading Company.
Diacore is opposed to and does not engage in the condoning, facilitating and supporting of illegal activities and/or money laundering. Accordingly, Diacore will only conduct business with companies who, to the best of the company’s knowledge, conduct business legally and whose funds come from lawful sources, and the company itself does not engage in illicit activities such as money laundering, terrorism financing, bribery, corruption, facilitation payments, smuggling, embezzlement, fraud, racketeering, transfer pricing and tax evasion.
committed to comply with the rules and regulations of the Kimberley Process and all the requirements of the World Diamond Council.
Diacore will use its best endeavours to ensure the commitment of its contractors, sub-contractors and associated entities to comply with the company’s policies to be able to ensure best endeavours throughout the supply chain, upward and downward. In this regard we are committed to the standards of the Forevermark Programme and the Responsible Jewellery Council and as such are subject to regular audits to guarantee our compliance.
Diacore is committed to combating the scourge of conflict Diamonds, and accordingly has committed itself to comply with the rules and regulations of the Kimberley Process and all the requirements of the World Diamond Council. Our customers can be rest assured that, having guaranteed the ethical provenance of our stones throughout the supply chain, we also disclose all material facts and information about our diamonds, at all times whether or not specifically requested and regardless of the impact on the value of the diamond.